Panel of Normals (PON) ====================== BALSAMIC provides a functionality to generate a Panel of Normals (PON) for more accurate copy-number filtering of false positives and that can be used as an input for the ``CNVkit`` variant caller. For a more detailed PON use case, please refer to the following documentation: - `CNVkit`_ - `Illumina DRAGEN`_ - `GATK`_ .. _CNVkit: .. _Illumina DRAGEN: .. _GATK: PON Generation -------------- When creating a new PON reference file, the next steps have to be followed: 1. Identify the samples to be included in the PON and add their ``fastq`` files to the ``fastq`` directory .. note:: One needs to fetch normal samples coming from the same origin, tissue or blood 2. Generate the ``_PON.json`` configuration file: .. code-block:: balsamic config pon --case-id --balsamic-cache --analysis-dir --fastq-path --panel-bed 3. Run the BALSAMIC PON workflow: .. code-block:: balsamic run analysis -s /_PON.json -r 4. Check for the PON reference finish and output files: .. code-block:: /path/analysis/analysis_PON_finish /path/analysis/cnv/_CNVkit_PON_reference_.cnn Using the PON during analysis ----------------------------- BALSAMIC can use a PON reference file if its provided while running CNVkit analysis: .. code-block:: balsamic config case --case-id --pon-cnn /path/analysis/cnv/_CNVkit_PON_reference_.cnn --balsamic-cache --analysis-dir --panel-bed --tumor-path .. note:: In the absence of a PON reference file, CNVkit is capable of generating a flat reference (tumor-only) or normal reference (tumor-normal) file on its own to correct for GC content and regional coverage