Bioinformatic Analysis pipeLine for SomAtic MutatIons in Cancer (v 4.2.0)

FastQ to Annotated VCF

BALSAMIC is basically a wrapper for its core workflow manager. The goal is to have a package with well defined cli to make it reproducible for user to run somatic calling regaradless of the workflow manger at its core. Right now, BALSAMIC is using Snakemake as its core. So one can run the sample using workflows available within this package and standard Snakemake cli given that there is a proper config file created.

Source code
Version 4.2.0
Author Hassan Foroughi Asl
Development model Github Flow, release branch
Build status travis_status_badge
Code coverage code_cov_badge
Documentation rtfd_badge
Dependencies snakemake_badge singularity_badge
Contributors @imsarath , @keyvanelhami