Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess
import json
import argparse
import shutil
from snakemake.utils import read_job_properties

[docs]class SbatchScheduler: ''' Builds sbatch command. Commands map to SLURM sbatch options. Params: ------ account - -A/--account dependency - {{dependencies}} error - -e/--error mail_type - --mail-type mail_user - --mail-user ntasks - -n/--ntasks output - -o/--output qos - -q/--qos time - -t/--time ''' def __init__(self): self.account = None self.dependency = None self.error = None self.mail_type = None self.mail_user = None self.ntasks = None self.output = None self.qos = None self.script = None self.time = None
[docs] def build_cmd(self): ''' builds sbatch command matching its options ''' sbatch_options = list() job_attributes = [ 'account', 'dependency', 'error', 'output', 'mail_type', 'mail_user', 'ntasks', 'qos', 'time' ] for attribute in job_attributes: if getattr(self, attribute): attribute_value = getattr(self, attribute) sbatch_options.append('--{} \"{}\"'.format( attribute.replace("_", "-"), attribute_value)) sbatch_options.append(self.script) return 'sbatch' + ' ' + ' '.join(sbatch_options)
[docs]class QsubScheduler: """docstring for QsubScheduler""" def __init__(self): self.account = None self.dependency = None self.error = None self.resources = None self.mail_type = None self.mail_user = None self.ntasks = None self.output = None self.qos = None self.script = None self.time = None
[docs] def build_cmd(self): resource_params = "" depend = "" qsub_options = list() # Exclusive node resource_params += " -l excl=1 " # if self.time: # resource_params += " -l \"walltime={}\" ".format(str(self.time)) if self.ntasks: # resource_params += "nodes=1:ppn={}\" ".format(str(self.ntasks)) resource_params += " -pe mpi {} ".format(str(self.ntasks)) if self.account: # qsub_options.append(" -A " + str(self.account)) qsub_options.append(" -q " + str(self.account)) if self.error: qsub_options.append(" -e " + str(self.error)) if self.output: qsub_options.append(" -o " + str(self.output)) if self.mail_type: # qsub_options.append(" -m " + str(self.mail_type)) qsub_options.append(" -m s ") # + str(self.mail_type)) if self.mail_user: qsub_options.append(" -M " + str(self.mail_user)) if self.qos: qsub_options.append(" -p " + str(self.qos)) if resource_params: qsub_options.append(resource_params) if self.dependency: for jobid in self.dependency: depend = depend + ":" + jobid #qsub_options.append(" -W \"depend=afterok" + str(depend) + "\"") qsub_options.append(" -hold_jid " + ",".join(self.dependency)) if self.script: qsub_options.append(" {} ".format(self.script)) return "qsub -V -S /bin/bash " + " ".join(qsub_options)
[docs]def read_sample_config(input_json): ''' load input sample_config file. Output of balsamic config sample. ''' try: with open(input_json) as f: return json.load(f) except Exception as e: raise e
[docs]def write_sacct_file(sacct_file, job_id): ''' writes a yaml file with job ids ''' try: with open(sacct_file, 'a') as f: f.write(job_id + "\n") except FileNotFoundError as e: raise e
# def write_scheduler_dump(scheduler_file, cmd): # ''' writes sbatch dump for debuging purpose ''' # try: # with open(scheduler_file, 'a') as f: # f.write(cmd + "\n") # f.write(sys.executable + "\n") # except OSError: # raise
[docs]def submit_job(sbatch_cmd, profile): ''' subprocess call for sbatch command ''' # run sbatch cmd try: res =, check=True, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise e # Get jobid res = res.stdout.decode() if profile == "slurm": m ="Submitted batch job (\d+)", res) jobid = elif profile == "qsub": jobid_tmp = str(res).split()[3] jobid = jobid_tmp.strip("\"()\"") print(jobid) return jobid
# def singularity_param(sample_config, script_dir, jobscript, sbatch_script): # ''' write a modified sbatch script based on singularity parameters ''' # if 'bind_path' not in sample_config['singularity']: # raise KeyError("bind_path was not found in sample config.") # if 'main_env' not in sample_config['singularity']: # raise KeyError("main_env was not found in sample config.") # if 'container_path' not in sample_config['singularity']: # raise KeyError("container_path was not found sample config.") # try: # bind_path = sample_config['singularity']['bind_path'] # main_env = sample_config['singularity']['main_env'] # container_path = sample_config['singularity']['container_path'] # with open(sbatch_script, 'a') as f: # f.write("#!/bin/bash" + "\n") # f.write( # f"function balsamic-run {{ singularity exec -B {bind_path} --app {main_env} {container_path} $@; }}" # + "\n") # f.write(f"# Snakemake original script {jobscript}" + "\n") # f.write(f"balsamic-run bash {jobscript}" + "\n") # sbatch_file = os.path.join( # script_dir, sample_config["analysis"]["case_id"] + ".sbatch") # return sbatch_file # except OSError: # raise
[docs]def get_parser(): ''' argument parser ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' This is an internal script and should be invoked independently. This script gets a list of arugments (see --help) and submits a job to slurm as afterok dependency. ''') parser.add_argument("dependencies", nargs="*", help="{{dependencies}} from snakemake") parser.add_argument("snakescript", help="Snakemake script") parser.add_argument("--sample-config", help='balsamic config sample output') parser.add_argument("--profile", help="profile to run jobs") parser.add_argument("--account", required=True, help='cluster account name') parser.add_argument("--qos", default='low', help='cluster job Priority (slurm - QOS)') parser.add_argument("--mail-type", help='cluster mail type') parser.add_argument("--mail-user", help='mail user') parser.add_argument("--log-dir", help="Log directory") parser.add_argument("--result-dir", help="Result directory") parser.add_argument("--script-dir", help="Script directory") return parser
[docs]def main(args=None): ''' entry point for ''' parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(args) jobscript = args.snakescript job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript) shutil.copy2(jobscript, args.script_dir) jobscript = os.path.join(args.script_dir, os.path.basename(jobscript)) if args.profile == 'slurm': jobid = '%j' scheduler_cmd = SbatchScheduler() if args.dependencies: scheduler_cmd.dependency = ','.join( ["afterok:%s" % d for d in args.dependencies]) elif args.profile == 'qsub': jobid = '${JOB_ID}' scheduler_cmd = QsubScheduler() scheduler_cmd.dependency = args.dependencies if not args.mail_type: mail_type = job_properties["cluster"]["mail_type"] sample_config = read_sample_config(input_json=args.sample_config) sacct_file = os.path.join(args.log_dir, sample_config["analysis"]["case_id"] + ".sacct") balsamic_run_mode = os.getenv("BALSAMIC_STATUS", "conda") # if balsamic_run_mode == 'container' and 'singularity' in sample_config: # sbatch_script = os.path.join(args.script_dir, # "sbatch." + os.path.basename(jobscript)) # sbatch_file = singularity_param(sample_config=sample_config, # script_dir=args.script_dir, # jobscript=jobscript, # sbatch_script=sbatch_script) # jobscript = sbatch_script scheduler_cmd.account = args.account scheduler_cmd.mail_type = mail_type scheduler_cmd.error = os.path.join( args.log_dir, os.path.basename(jobscript) + "_" + jobid + ".err") scheduler_cmd.output = os.path.join( args.log_dir, os.path.basename(jobscript) + "_" + jobid + ".out") scheduler_cmd.ntasks = job_properties["cluster"]["n"] scheduler_cmd.time = job_properties["cluster"]["time"] scheduler_cmd.mail_user = args.mail_user scheduler_cmd.script = jobscript jobid = submit_job(scheduler_cmd.build_cmd(), args.profile) # scheduler_file = os.path.join(args.script_dir, sample_config["analysis"]["case_id"] + ".scheduler_dump") # if balsamic_run_mode == 'container' and 'singularity' in sample_config: # write_scheduler_dump(scheduler_file=scheduler_file, cmd=scheduler_cmd.build_cmd()) write_sacct_file(sacct_file=sacct_file, job_id=jobid)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()