CLI reference

BALSAMIC (version = 6.0.1) is using Click. This section covers the CLI reference for BALSAMIC.

Short summary

Base command, balsamic has three subcommands: 1) install_env which is used for installting conda environemnts 2) create_config is to create a config file necessary for running the analysis. 3) run_analysis is for running the actual workflow.

Base command

Usage: balsamic [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  BALSAMIC 6.0.1: Bioinformatic Analysis pipeLine for SomAtic MutatIons in

                                  Set the level of log output.  [default:
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  config   create config files required for running the pipeline.
  plugins  Additional and helper utilities for third party applications
  run      Run BALSAMIC on a provided config file

create config for case analysis

Usage: balsamic config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  create config files required for running the pipeline.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  case       Create a sample config file from input sample data
  reference  config workflow for generate reference
Usage: balsamic config case [OPTIONS]

  Prepares a config file for balsamic run_analysis. For now it is just
  treating json as dictionary and merging them as it is. So this is just a
  placeholder for future.

  --umi / --no-umi                UMI processing steps for samples with umi
                                  tags  [default: True]
  --umi-trim-length INTEGER       Trim N bases from reads in fastq  [default:
  --quality-trim / --no-quality-trim
                                  Trim low quality reads in fastq  [default:
  --adapter-trim / --no-adapter-trim
                                  Trim adapters from reads in fastq  [default:
  -r, --reference-config PATH     Reference config file.  [required]
  -p, --panel-bed PATH            Panel bed file for variant calling.
  -o, --output-config TEXT        Output a json config filename ready to be
                                  imported for run-analysis
  -t, --tumor TEXT                Fastq files for tumor sample.
                                  Example: if files are
                                  tumor_fqreads_2.fastq.gz,               the
                                  input should be --tumor tumor_fqreads
  -n, --normal TEXT               Fastq files for normal sample.
                                  Example: if files are
                                  normal_fqreads_2.fastq.gz,               the
                                  input should be --normal normal_fqreads
  --case-id TEXT                  Sample id that is used for reporting,
                                  naming the analysis jobs, and analysis path
  --fastq-prefix TEXT             Prefix to fastq file.               The
                                  string that comes after readprefix
  --analysis-dir PATH             Root analysis path to store
                                  analysis logs and results. The final path
                                  will be analysis-dir/sample-id
  --overwrite-config / --no-overwrite-config
                                  Overwrite output config file
  --create-dir / --no-create-dir  Create analysis directiry.
  --singularity PATH              Download singularity image for BALSAMIC
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Usage: balsamic config reference [OPTIONS]

  Configure workflow for reference generation

  -o, --outdir TEXT      output directory for ref files eg: reference
  -c, --cosmic-key TEXT  cosmic db authentication key  [required]
  -s, --snakefile PATH   snakefile for reference generation  [default: /home/h
  -d, --dagfile TEXT     DAG file for overview  [default:
  --singularity PATH     Download singularity image for BALSAMIC  [required]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

run case analysis and reference creation

Usage: balsamic run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Run BALSAMIC on a provided config file

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  analysis   Run the analysis on a provided sample config-file
  reference  Run the GenerateRef workflow
Usage: balsamic run analysis [OPTIONS]

  Runs BALSAMIC workflow on the provided sample's config file

  -a, --analysis-type [qc|paired|single]
                                  Type of analysis to run from input config
                                  file.              By default it will read
                                  from config file, but it will override
                                  config file               if it is set here.
  -S, --snake-file PATH           Input for a custom snakefile. WARNING: This
                                  is for internal testing,              and
                                  should not be used. Providing a snakefile
                                  supersedes analysis_type option.
  -s, --sample-config PATH        Sample json config file.  [required]
  --run-mode [local|slurm]        Run mode to use. By default SLURM will be
                                  used to run the analysis.              But
                                  local runner also available for local
                                  computing  [default: slurm]
  -c, --cluster-config PATH       SLURM config json file.  [default: /home/has
  -l, --log-file PATH             Log file output for BALSAMIC.
                                  This is raw log output from snakemake.
  -r, --run-analysis              By default balsamic run_analysis will run in
                                  dry run mode.               Raise thise flag
                                  to make the actual analysis  [default:
  --qos [low|normal|high]         QOS for sbatch jobs. Passed to /home/hassan.
                                  n/  [default: low]
  -f, --force-all                 Force run all analysis. This is same as
                                  snakemake --forceall  [default: False]
  --snakemake-opt TEXT            Pass these options directly to snakemake
  --slurm-account TEXT            SLURM account to run jobs
  --slurm-mail-user TEXT          SLURM mail user to send out email.
                                  SLURM mail type to send out email.
                                  This will be applied to all jobs and
                                  override snakemake settings.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
Usage: balsamic run reference [OPTIONS]

  Run generate reference workflow

  -s, --snakefile TEXT      snakefile for reference generation
  -c, --configfile TEXT     Config file to run the workflow  [required]
  --run-mode [slurm|local]  Run mode to use.(LOCAL, SLURM for HPC)
  --cluster-config PATH     SLURM config json file.  [default: /home/
  -l, --log-file PATH       Log file output for BALSAMIC. This is raw log
                            output from snakemake.
  -r, --run-analysis        By default balsamic run_analysis will run in dry
                            run mode.               Raise thise flag to make
                            the actual analysis  [default: False]
  --qos [low|normal|high]   QOS for sbatch jobs. Passed to /home/hassan.foroug
                            [default: low]
  -f, --force-all           Force run all analysis. This is same as snakemake
                            --forceall  [default: False]
  --snakemake-opt TEXT      Pass these options directly to snakemake
  --help                    Show this message and exit.