Source code for BALSAMIC.utils.cli

import os
import json
import yaml
import sys
import collections
import snakemake
import re
import shutil
import logging
import click
import graphviz

from pathlib import Path
from colorclass import Color
from io import StringIO
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict
from BALSAMIC.utils.constants import CONDA_ENV_PATH

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from BALSAMIC.utils.exc import BalsamicError

[docs]class CaptureStdout(list): """ Captures stdout. """ def __enter__(self): self._stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = self._stringio = StringIO() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.extend(self._stringio.getvalue().splitlines()) del self._stringio # free up some memory sys.stdout = self._stdout
[docs]class SnakeMake: """ To build a snakemake command using cli options Params: case_name - analysis case name working_dir - working directory for snakemake configfile - sample configuration file (json) output of balsamic-config-sample run_mode - run mode - cluster or local shell run cluster_config - cluster config json file scheduler - slurm command constructor log_path - log file path script_path - file path for slurm scripts result_path - result directory qos - QOS for sbatch jobs account - scheduler(e.g. slurm) account mail_user - email to account to send job run status forceall - To add '--forceall' option for snakemake run_analysis - To run pipeline use_singularity - To use singularity singularity_bind- Singularity bind path singularity_arg - Singularity arguments to pass to snakemake sm_opt - snakemake additional options """ def __init__(self): self.case_name = str() self.working_dir = str() self.snakefile = str() self.configfile = str() self.run_mode = str() self.profile = str() self.cluster_config = str() self.scheduler = str() self.log_path = str() self.script_path = str() self.result_path = str() self.qos = str() self.account = str() self.mail_type = str() self.mail_user = str() self.forceall = False self.run_analysis = False = str() self.use_singularity = True self.singularity_bind = str() self.singularity_arg = str() self.sm_opt = str()
[docs] def build_cmd(self): forceall = str() sm_opt = str() cluster_cmd = str() dryrun = str() report = str() if self.forceall: forceall = "--forceall" if report = "--report {}".format( if self.sm_opt: sm_opt = " ".join(self.sm_opt) if not self.run_analysis: dryrun = "--dryrun" if self.use_singularity: self.singularity_arg = "--use-singularity --singularity-args '" for bind_path in self.singularity_bind: self.singularity_arg += " --bind {}:{}".format( bind_path, bind_path) self.singularity_arg += "' " if self.run_mode == "cluster": sbatch_cmd = (" '{} {} " " --sample-config {} --profile {} " " --account {} --qos {} " " --log-dir {} --script-dir {} " " --result-dir {} ".format( sys.executable, self.scheduler, self.configfile, self.profile, self.account, self.qos, self.log_path, self.script_path, self.result_path, )) if self.mail_user: sbatch_cmd += " --mail-user {} ".format(self.mail_user) if self.mail_type: sbatch_cmd += " --mail-type {} ".format(self.mail_type) sbatch_cmd += " {dependencies} '" cluster_cmd = (" --immediate-submit -j 999 " "--jobname BALSAMIC.{}.{{rulename}}.{{jobid}}.sh " "--cluster-config {} --cluster {} ".format( self.case_name, self.cluster_config, sbatch_cmd)) sm_cmd = (" snakemake --notemp -p " " --directory {} --snakefile {} --configfiles {} " " {} {} {} {} {} {} {} ".format( self.working_dir, self.snakefile, self.configfile, self.cluster_config, self.singularity_arg, forceall, dryrun, cluster_cmd, report, sm_opt, )) return sm_cmd
[docs]def add_doc(docstring): """ A decorator for adding docstring. Taken shamelessly from stackexchange. """ def document(func): func.__doc__ = docstring return func return document
[docs]def createDir(path, interm_path=[]): """ Creates directories by recursively checking if it exists, otherwise increments the number """ if os.path.isdir(os.path.abspath(path)): basepath = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(path)) basepath_number = 0 if "." in basepath: basepath_number = int(basepath.split(".")[1]) basepath_string = basepath.split(".")[0] basepath_number += 1 path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path)), ".".join([basepath_string, str(basepath_number)]), ) interm_path.append(path) createDir(path, interm_path) return os.path.abspath(interm_path[-1]) else: os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(path), exist_ok=True) return os.path.abspath(path)
[docs]def write_json(json_out, output_config): try: with open(output_config, "w") as fn: json.dump(json_out, fn, indent=4) except OSError as error: raise error
[docs]def iterdict(dic): """ dictionary iteration - returns generator""" for key, value in dic.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): yield from iterdict(value) else: yield key, value
[docs]def get_schedulerpy(): """ Returns a string path for """ p = Path(__file__).parents[1] scheduler = str(Path(p, "commands/run/")) return scheduler
[docs]def get_snakefile(analysis_type, sequencing_type="targeted"): """ Return a string path for variant calling snakefile. """ p = Path(__file__).parents[1] if analysis_type == "qc": snakefile = Path(p, "workflows", "Alignment") elif analysis_type in ["single", "paired"]: snakefile = Path(p, "workflows", "VariantCalling") if sequencing_type == "wgs": snakefile = Path(p, "workflows", "VariantCalling_sentieon") elif analysis_type == "generate_ref": snakefile = Path(p, "workflows", "GenerateRef") return str(snakefile)
[docs]def get_config(config_name): """ Return a string path for config file. """ p = Path(__file__).parents[1] config_file = str(Path(p, "config", config_name + ".json")) if Path(config_file).exists(): return config_file else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Config for {config_name} was not found.")
[docs]def recursive_default_dict(): """ Recursivly create defaultdict. """ return collections.defaultdict(recursive_default_dict)
[docs]def convert_defaultdict_to_regular_dict(inputdict: dict): """ Recursively convert defaultdict to dict. """ if isinstance(inputdict, collections.defaultdict): inputdict = { key: convert_defaultdict_to_regular_dict(value) for key, value in inputdict.items() } return inputdict
[docs]def merge_dict_on_key(dict_1, dict_2, by_key): """ Merge two list of dictionaries based on key """ merged_dict = defaultdict(dict) for interm_list in (dict_1, dict_2): for item in interm_list: merged_dict[item[by_key]].update(item) merged_dict_list = merged_dict.values() return merged_dict_list
[docs]def find_file_index(file_path): indexible_files = { ".bam": [".bam.bai", ".bai"], ".cram": [".cram.crai", ".crai"], ".vcf.gz": [".vcf.gz.tbi"], ".vcf": [".vcf.tbi"], } file_path_index = set() for file_extension, file_index_extensions in indexible_files.items(): if file_path.endswith(file_extension): for file_index_extension in file_index_extensions: new_file_path = file_path.replace(file_extension, file_index_extension) if os.path.isfile(new_file_path): file_path_index.add(new_file_path) return list(file_path_index)
[docs]def get_file_extension(file_path): known_multi_extensions = [ ".vcf.gz", ".vcf.gz.tbi", ".vcf.tbi", ".fastq.gz" ] file_extension = "" for known_ext in known_multi_extensions: if file_path.endswith(known_ext): file_extension = known_ext break if not file_extension: _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path) return file_extension[1:]
[docs]def get_from_two_key(input_dict, from_key, by_key, by_value, default=None): """ Given two keys with list of values of same length, find matching index of by_value in from_key from by_key. from_key and by_key should both exist """ matching_value = default if (from_key in input_dict and by_key in input_dict and by_value in input_dict[from_key]): idx = input_dict[from_key].index(by_value) matching_value = input_dict[by_key][idx] return matching_value
[docs]def get_file_status_string(file_to_check): """ Checks if file exsits. and returns a string with checkmark or redcorss mark if it exists or doesn't exist respectively. Always assume file doesn't exist, unless proven otherwise. """ return_str = Color("[{red}\u2717{/red}] File missing: ") + file_to_check file_status = os.path.isfile(file_to_check) if file_status: return_str = Color("[{green}\u2713{/green}] Found: ") + file_to_check return return_str, file_status
[docs]def singularity(sif_path: str, cmd: str, bind_paths: list) -> str: """Run within container Excutes input command string via Singularity container image Args: sif_path: Path to singularity image file (sif) cmd: A string for series of commands to run bind_path: a path to bind within container Returns: A sanitized Singularity cmd Raises: BalsamicError: An error occured while creating cmd """ singularity_cmd = shutil.which("singularity") if not singularity_cmd: raise BalsamicError("singularity command does not exist") if not Path(sif_path).is_file(): raise BalsamicError("container file does not exist") singularity_bind_path = "" for bind_path in bind_paths: singularity_bind_path += "--bind {} ".format(bind_path) shellcmd = "singularity exec {} {}".format(singularity_bind_path, cmd) return " ".join(shellcmd.split())
[docs]def merge_json(*args): """ Take a list of json files and merges them together Input: list of json file Output: dictionary of merged json """ json_out = dict() for json_file in args: try: if isinstance(json_file, dict): json_out = {**json_out, **json_file} else: with open(json_file) as fn: json_out = {**json_out, **json.load(fn)} except OSError as error: raise error return json_out
[docs]def validate_fastq_pattern(sample): """Finds the correct filename prefix from file path, and returns it. An error is raised if sample name has invalid pattern """ fq_pattern = re.compile(r"R_[12]" + ".fastq.gz$") sample_basename = Path(sample).name file_str = sample_basename[0:([0] + 1)] return file_str
[docs]def get_panel_chrom(panel_bed) -> list: """Returns a set of chromosomes present in PANEL BED""" lines = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open(panel_bed, "r")] return {s.split("\t")[0] for s in lines}
[docs]def get_bioinfo_tools_list(conda_env_path) -> dict: """Parses the names and versions of bioinfo tools used by BALSAMIC from config YAML into a dict """ bioinfo_tools = {} for yaml_file in Path(conda_env_path).rglob("*.yaml"): with open(yaml_file, "r") as f: packages = yaml.safe_load(f).get("dependencies") for p in packages: if isinstance(p, dict): for pip_package in p["pip"]: name, version = pip_package.split("==") if name in bioinfo_tools: bioinfo_tools[name] = ",".join(set([bioinfo_tools[name], version])) else: bioinfo_tools[name] = version else: try: name = p.split("=")[0] version = "=".join(p.split("=")[1:]) except ValueError: name, version = p, None finally: if name in bioinfo_tools: bioinfo_tools[name] = ",".join(set([bioinfo_tools[name], version])) else: bioinfo_tools[name] = version return bioinfo_tools
[docs]def get_sample_dict(tumor, normal) -> dict: """Concatenates sample dicts for all provided files""" samples = {} if normal: for sample in normal: key, val = get_sample_names(sample, "normal") samples[key] = val for sample in tumor: key, val = get_sample_names(sample, "tumor") samples[key] = val return samples
[docs]def get_sample_names(filename, sample_type): """Creates a dict with sample prefix, sample type, and readpair suffix""" file_str = validate_fastq_pattern(filename) if file_str: return ( file_str, { "file_prefix": file_str, "type": sample_type, "readpair_suffix": ["1", "2"], }, )
[docs]def generate_graph(config_collection_dict, config_path): """Generate DAG graph using snakemake stdout output""" with CaptureStdout() as graph_dot: snakemake.snakemake( snakefile=get_snakefile( analysis_type=config_collection_dict["analysis"] ["analysis_type"], sequencing_type=config_collection_dict["analysis"] ["sequencing_type"], ), dryrun=True, configfiles=[config_path], printrulegraph=True, ) graph_title = "_".join([ "BALSAMIC", BALSAMIC.__version__, config_collection_dict["analysis"]["case_id"], ]) graph_dot = "".join(graph_dot).replace( "snakemake_dag {", 'BALSAMIC { label="' + graph_title + '";labelloc="t";') graph_obj = graphviz.Source( graph_dot, filename=".".join( config_collection_dict["analysis"]["dag"].split(".")[:-1]), format="pdf", engine="dot", ) graph_obj.render(cleanup=True)
[docs]def get_fastq_bind_path(fastq_path: Path) -> list(): """Takes a path with symlinked fastq files. Returns unique paths to parent directories for singulatiry bind """ parents = set() for fastq_file_path in Path(fastq_path).iterdir(): parents.add(Path(fastq_file_path).resolve().parent.as_posix()) return list(parents)