Source code for BALSAMIC.utils.rule

import os
import re
import yaml
from pathlib import Path
import snakemake
from BALSAMIC.utils.cli import get_file_extension
from BALSAMIC.utils.cli import find_file_index

[docs]def get_chrom(panelfile): """ input: a panel bedfile output: list of chromosomes in the bedfile """ lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(panelfile, 'r')] chrom = list(set([s.split('\t')[0] for s in lines])) return chrom
[docs]def get_vcf(config, var_caller, sample): """ input: BALSAMIC config file output: retrieve list of vcf files """ vcf = [] for v in var_caller: for s in sample: vcf.append(config["vcf"][v]["type"] + "." + config["vcf"][v]["mutation"] + "." + s + "." + v) return vcf
[docs]def get_sample_type(sample, bio_type): """ input: sample dictionary from BALSAMIC's config file output: list of sample type id """ type_id = [] for sample_id in sample: if sample[sample_id]["type"] == bio_type: type_id.append(sample_id) return type_id
[docs]def get_result_dir(config): """ input: sample config file from BALSAMIC output: string of result directory path """ return config['analysis']['result']
[docs]def get_conda_env(yaml_file, pkg): """ Retrieve conda environment for package from a predefined yaml file input: balsamic_env output: string of conda env where packge is in """ with open(yaml_file, 'r') as file_in: yaml_in = yaml.safe_load(file_in) conda_env_found = None for conda_env, pkgs in yaml_in.items(): if pkg in pkgs: conda_env_found = conda_env break if conda_env_found is not None: return conda_env_found else: raise KeyError(f'Installed package {pkg} was not found in {yaml_file}')
[docs]def get_picard_mrkdup(config): """ input: sample config file output from BALSAMIC output: mrkdup or rmdup strings """ picard_str = "mrkdup" if "picard_rmdup" in config["QC"]: if config["QC"]["picard_rmdup"] == True: picard_str = "rmdup" return picard_str
[docs]def get_script_path(script_name: str): """ Retrieves script path where name is matching {{script_name}}. """ p = Path(__file__).parents[1] script_path = str(Path(p, 'assets/scripts', script_name)) return script_path
[docs]def get_threads(cluster_config, rule_name='__default__'): """ To retrieve threads from cluster config or return default value of 8 """ return cluster_config[rule_name]['n'] if rule_name in cluster_config else 8
[docs]def get_rule_output(rules, rule_name, output_file_wildcards): """get list of existing output files from a given workflow Args: rule_names: rule_name to query from rules object rules: snakemake rules object Returns: output_files: list of tuples (file, file_index, rule_name, tags, id, file_extension) for rules """ output_files = list() # Extract housekeeper tags from rule's params value housekeeper = getattr(rules, rule_name).params.housekeeper_id # Get temp_output files temp_files = getattr(rules, rule_name).rule.temp_output # Get list of named output from rule. e.g. output.vcf output_file_names = list(getattr(rules, rule_name).output._names.keys()) for output_name in output_file_names: output_file = getattr(rules, rule_name).output[output_name] for file_wildcard_list in snakemake.utils.listfiles(output_file): file_to_store = file_wildcard_list[0] # Do not store file if it is a temp() output if file_to_store in temp_files: continue file_extension = get_file_extension(file_to_store) file_to_store_index = find_file_index(file_to_store) base_tags = list(file_wildcard_list[1]) base_tags.append(output_name) delivery_id = get_delivery_id( id_candidate=housekeeper["id"], file_to_store=file_to_store, tags=base_tags, output_file_wildcards=output_file_wildcards) # Return empty string if delivery_id is not resolved. # This can happen when wildcard from one rule tries to match with a file # from another rule. example: vep_somatic might pick up ngs_filter_vardict files pattern = re.compile(r"{([^}\.[!:]+)") if pattern.findall(delivery_id): continue # Create a composit tag from housekeeper tag and named output composit_tag = "-".join([housekeeper["tags"], output_name]) file_tags = base_tags + [composit_tag] # replace all instsances of "_" with "-", since housekeeper doesn't like _ file_tags = [t.replace("_","-") for t in file_tags] output_files.append((file_to_store, file_to_store_index, rule_name, ",".join(file_tags), delivery_id, file_extension)) if file_to_store_index: for file_index in file_to_store_index: # Create a composit tag from housekeeper tag and named output composit_tag = "-".join([housekeeper["tags"], output_name, "index"]) file_index_tags = base_tags + [composit_tag] # replace all instsances of "_" with "-", since housekeeper doesn't like _ file_index_tags = [t.replace("_","-") for t in file_index_tags] output_files.append((file_index, str(), rule_name, ",".join(file_index_tags), delivery_id, get_file_extension(file_index))) return output_files
[docs]def get_delivery_id(id_candidate: str, file_to_store: str, tags: list, output_file_wildcards: dict): """resolve delivery id from file_to_store, tags, and output_file_wildcards This function will get a filename, a list of tags, and an id_candidate. id_candidate should be form of a fstring. Args: id_candidate: a fstring format string. e.g. "{case_name}" file_to_store: a filename to search a resolved id tags: a list of tags with a resolve id in it output_file_wildcards: a dictionary of wildcards. Keys are wildcard names, and values are list of wildcard values Returns: delivery_id: a resolved id string. If it can't be resolved, it'll return the id_candidate value """ delivery_id = id_candidate for resolved_id in, **output_file_wildcards): if resolved_id in file_to_store and resolved_id in tags: delivery_id = resolved_id break return delivery_id